The Incorporated Master Builders Association of Jamaica otherwise known as Master Builders
The Incorporated Master Builders Association of Jamaica is a professional organization that represents the interests of master builders, contractors and construction industry stakeholders in Jamaica.
It is comprised of members who are largely in the construction industry and is governed by a Board of Directors.
The Incorporated Master Builders Association of Jamaica was established in 1952.
Registered Office
2A Camp Road
Kingston 4
Jamaica, West Indies
Although JMB was created to help people own their homes, It currently mainly also provides financing to property developers
An excerpt from their website about the Bank;s Social Responsibility, is as follows:
" Corporate Social Responsibility is important to the Jamaica Mortgage Bank; as such, in January of 2018, we embarked upon the journey to broaden our impact to the community. We successfully launched a Care Barrel and Coin Drive to which our staff have been graciously contributing. The proceeds from these endeavours will go towards a charitable organization of the Bank’s choice. "